I have an app that allows users to schedule events and obviously specify start times. In my initial hacking I was specifying those start times and storing them in the database as strings (not even validated as dates, really just a place holder to mock up the site). So yesterday I thought I would tackle this to make it more functional.
I added a date picker widget and a time picker widget and fixed things so that only dates and times could be specified which I then stored in my database.
But wait, I thought, how do i know what timezone the user intends. After all, when i publish this event to other users I will want to give the start time in their timezone. Hmm... So I started my research on timezones.
I started out trying to put a timezone picker on my event scheduler page which would default to the current timezone of the clients browser. This actually isn't so simple.
A major complication is that I don't really want the timezone, I actually want the locale of which the timezone is only a feature. The other feature is daylight savings time (DST). There are only so many time zones (which is quite manageable) but there are lots of variations in the treatment of DST (not so manageable). Unfortunately for me I need to consider DST if I am to know what real time an event organiser is actually aiming for (they will always be working in local time I presume and would not care to specify start times in UTC).
Here are a few of the interesting libraries that I looked at to get get a handle on this.
- On the client to detect and select a timezone
- Josh Fraser provided the best hope for something simple with his client timezone and DST detection algorithm in Javascript. But he does mention that instead folks should use...
- Jon Nylander's jsTimezoneDetect solution. This is apparently much more advanced and works off the complete list of time locales from the Olson zoneinfo database. Unfortunately this would be tricky to integrate in my web page and would provide a huge number of options for users. I've seen these before on the internet and they are annoying.
- Then on the server to get a nice unix time in my database
- node-time looked interesting
- moment.js seemed to talk the talk but on further analysis I wasn't sure if it knew about DST or if I would have to tell it
- timezone-js may have been the most promising
But then came my small eureka moment... Why am I doing all this work? Well, pretty much because my client side controls give me strings and not date objects. However the browser does know what time locale it's in and how to present dates. So this is where I returned almost to my starting point.
I ripped out all the timezone selector stuff from my page and instead I used the client side date functions to generate a Date object there and transmit a nice simple unix time back to the server for storage. For those that don't know, unix times are the number of milliseconds since 00:00:00.000 01/01/1970 (UTC). They don't care about time locales. So now I do all the locale specific formatting and parsing in the browser. Seemed obvious after I'd done it :)
I may add a widget to my pages to let the user know which zone the times are being displayed in but I'm not sure even that is worth the effort. It would only catch a few issues with people working on devices with the wrong timezone set.